Oil Painting Tutorials
A large part of painting is learning what techniques work to create the different textures you want to portray - this is a process which takes extensive trial and error to see what does and doesn't succeed. Having spent my professional career painting full time I have had the opportunity to practice and discover what does and doesn't work, and I offer my experience to help other artists skip the time consuming trial and error stage, and go straight to understanding how and when to use all the techniques I employ.
My videos show the process from start to finish in my paintings, with detailed discussion about what I'm doing, how and why. I provide the files to paint along with, but also the knowledge of how to do it using your own references.
In addition, I also offer critiques of your own paintings, and what specifically I'd suggest working on to improve. My highest tier also includes one to one help with one painting per month.
This is all available through my Patreon, which can be accessed here - www.patreon.com/scottmitchellart.